The EMBP process involves capturing the individual’s brain state and unique activity patterns through an electroencephalogram (EEG). Identified anomalies are then addressed using a customized Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS) protocol. Unlike traditional approaches that concentrate on clinical symptoms or behaviors, EMBP emphasizes the brain’s physical condition.
Grounded in the fundamental physical law of conservation and the stochastic nature of the nervous system, recent demonstrations of this innovative technology have proven EMBP to be an effective treatment for various neuropsychiatric disorders. Clinical improvements have been observed in patients with major depressive and anxiety disorders, ADHD, and SUD with comorbid mental illnesses.
EMBP utilizes a suite of Class II medical devices, including EEG and TMS, to uniquely image electrical activities in the brain, identify areas that may not be functioning properly, and, most importantly, treat neurons with the goal of restoring optimal neurological function using a non-invasive, non-pharmaceutical approach.
This treatment is based on prior research into the brain’s physiological nature in electrical oscillation, energy metabolism, and their relationships with cognitive functions and mental disorders. Studies have demonstrated that the brain’s electrical activities adhere to the physics law of symmetry and conservation. External repetitive stimulation, whether aligned with or deviating from the brain’s intrinsic pulse interval variation, can effectively modulate its activities by enhancement or perturbation.
EMBP is an individualized, non-pharmaceutical, non-invasive electromagnetic procedure that uses an individual’s characteristic EEG pulse sequence to provide a targeted application of TMS, helping to restore the brain’s default state and facilitate the recovery of its function. Progress, including efficacy and side effects, is monitored utilizing serial quantitative EEGs (q-EEG), which facilitate small but important adjustments to the protocol over time to optimize clinical effectiveness.
In simpler terms, the patient’s resting EEG is recorded and analyzed to determine the brain’s electrical patterning, identify potential abnormalities, and ascertain its optimal state of neural oscillation. The resulting data are used to develop a personalized treatment protocol aimed at restoring the brain to its default functional state. The neural stimulation is then delivered via TMS, guided by the individual’s unique EEG patterns.